I have recently (15/07/2008) got a new DSL connection through the german DSL provider Alice with the Web and Go option. That is a WLAN router. Now the router, a Siemens SL2-141-I didn't really work the way I am used to:
1) you need to use it like a modem calling up the connection before you get the internatconnection.
2) I wasn't able to connect to the iternet from my palm, which really bugged me...
3) I didn't succeed to access the Siemens SL2-141-I router from the webbrowser (using the standard IP adress or any other).

So I started googling and reading in different forums. This seems to be a widespread problem with Alice DSL connections. However it took a couple of hours before i finally managed to configure the router so that it worked the way i want. That is when I turn on my computer I should automatically get an internetconnection over the WLAN, preferably named "staffan_at_home" (default is WLAN_ALICE) using a WEP key of my choise, while simultaneously listenng to webradio on my palm over the same said WLAN network. Well it works now :-) Although some computer experience I am no hacker, but I managed and I think I've got it all right. Here is the recipe:

1) Set your IP to
The Siemens SL2-141-I router is "castrated" by Alice not to support dynamic DCHP. That has something to do with the distribution of IP adresses withing the LAN of the router. Normally my comuter gets a IP adress allocated automatically. With the Alice default settings othe router gave me a IP adress from which I could not access the router itself; The first breakhrough in my router hacking was when I realized that I can only access the router adress (again: if my computer has a adress in the same domain; ie 192.168.1.xxx. So I reconfigured my network connection with the option to use a manually programmed IP adress. I used

2) Connect to the router
open the browser and write in the adress field to access the router.

3) Login on the router.
Alice has triedto protect the Siemens SL2-141-I router with a password. The login information is easy to find by googling...
IP :
username : alice@13184
passwort : hnto$mgmt@lice
These data seems to be unchanged since at least 2006, and it worked fine for me in july 2008...

4) Redefine the internet connection.
Great, I have managed to get into the setup software of the router. What to do, only 4 letter abbreviations left and right. Luckily the siemens guys have built in some nice features for us dummies. Click on the Quick start icon, and then Quick setup. The router then finds the correct settings automatically. When you reach the WAN IP Settings, tick the enable NAT box -- I thin this was what made it possible to skip the "call up procedure" to access the internet. What NAT is, I don't know. The click next again. Here you define your username and password for the alice setting (what you preveously have defined in the call up thingie) and chose alwas on. Next. Now use the default settings, BUT, chose the DHCP server On option. This enables dynamic DHCP IP allocation, which i talked about earlier. You can then refrain to let your computer get an IP automatically, which is nice if you want to use the WLAN connection at other locations as well. Next. Finish.
The router reboots itself. Close the browser, disconnect your Alice dial up connection, wait 2 minutes until the network connection is reestablished. Now you should have a internet connection without using the alice dial up, and you should be able to connect to the internet also from more primitive devices,like a palm.

5) Rename the WLAN SSID, and choose your own WEP key
Under the tab Wireless you can change the name of the WLAN network and choose your own WEP key. How to do this is quite self explanatory, and doesn't really affect the performance of your router, so I won't describe this in detail.

questions and comments to /myfirstname/@/myfrstname//mysurname/.se, you'll figure it out if you check the top of this domain...

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